Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wow...a lot has happened since I last wrote....update...Dec 8th elder Rob went into the MTC....Dec 15th I had a Hysterectomy....Dec 28th Elder Rob left to his Kennewick Washington Mission...Jan 3rd started my new job as attendance secretary...(probably something I should have waited on since my recovery period is 6 weeks and it had only been 2 1/2 when I went back) It has been a long recovery and I don't suggest anyone ever doing it the way I have. Stick to the 6 weeks...I can now see the importance in problem is I had to go back since it was a new job..and train my replacement as well. Things will all be ok, just need a little longer to recover due to it. It's been fun reading Elder Rob's letters and emails since he got to his mission. He is now in Hermisten Oregon, about 1/2 hr from Kennewick and loves his mission. I manage his finance's and I notice when he uses his debit card...hahahaha...he doesn't use it much, but occasionally they eat out or something at a fast connection with my son right now. Sounds crazy, but I know he is doing good when I see them stop for a fun lunch once in a while. Two latest movies to watch are True Grit (of course never the same as good old John Wayne) and

Yogi Bear...haha...I liked them anyway. Back to work at the Genealogy's been fun working in the front lobby etc. I have found some information for a co-worker of mine about his father that he doesn't know and more names to take to the temple..which we better get doing soon! All in all...other than being ready, I mean REALLY ready for Spring...things are doing great at the Schroeder house!

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