Friday, December 12, 2008

Little Lucas had his 3rd surgery last night......

This is the update my nephew left on his blogg about the Lucas's surgery last night......................

"Lucas went into surgery around 7:00 tonight. Most of the day we didn't know if surgery would happen because of the picc line infection he got in the night. But they decided he needed to have the surgery anyway, and things seemed to go well. She didn't know what she was going to do until she opened him up. The plan was to look for a blockage. If she couldn't find one she would give him back his jejunostomy (which we really didn't want). There was alot of scar tissue, she spent an hour and a half cleaning scar tissue. He is also at high risk of getting more scar tissue. There was also a twist in his intestines where the old ostomy was. She removed this portion (about an inch) and reconnected it. She was able to keep his same ostomy he has had from his last surgery. He is still on a ventilator and will be in ICU probably until tomorrow. The plan is to start feeding him in 4-5 days. Hopefully this will give his ostomy another chance and things will start to improve. Thanks for your thoughts, prayers and support. He is a little fighter and has a long road ahead."

Please, again remember this little guy...with Faith and Prayers the Lord will Bless him and his family for their strength and endurance...they are amazing...this has been a tough 7months for them and especially Lucas.......this little guy is definitely one of the Lord's Choicest spirits with so much fight and determination!!! His smile and personality wins your heart, you can't help but fall in love with him.....Our thoughts and Prayers are with you little man....hang in there!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

This is after his surgery......notice where his hands are...this is his comfort position...he has always kept his hands up by his is so cute!!!

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