I know it's been a while since I updated "The Dogs"....and maybe you are thinking it's because everything is nice, calm and peaceful at the Schroeder Mansion....but IT'S NOT.....I just figured if I put them out of my mind, they would GO AWAY!!! They are terrible....the young rascal Jack tries his darnedest to terrorize the old grumpy Mockey... it just gets Mockey's dander up and he gets so insanely bent out of shape!!! UGH!!! I just wish they would get along!!!! Well...I do have to admit, there are moments, Jack will follow Mockey around the house like his shadow and just a few minutes ago...Wahooooooo....something I never expected!!! I was folding laundry, Jack, of course, wouldn't leave me alone...(he is just so naughty and always looking for something or someone to torment) so I tied some old socks together and threw them down the hall for him to chew...he was having a blast with them....I made Mockey a pair...(he used to love to chew and play tug of war with things)...I tried to give them to him...this is how it went....
Me: Mockey...here, grab it.....toss toss toss
Mockey: Look at me, then look at Jack, then sort of grabbed at the sock ..ladidadida....
Jack: Running full speed, dropping his sock and grabbing at Mockeys....
Me: Jack! Let go! Jack go! Jack stop! JAAAAACK!! (this is what the neighbors are always hearing I'm sure)
Mockey: Looking at me, looking at the sock Ladidadida.....(why do they have to get old, he used to be so spunky!!)
Jack: Grabbed the sock, then Mockey grabbed the other end....whaaaaatttt???? Is that our Mockey??? He wouldn't let go!!! Waheeeeeee.....and it's on, Jack pulling at one end, Mockey tugging at the other.....neither one would let go...this is great!!! I would have taken a picture, but I thought I better not run for the camera just in case all of Mockey's teeth popped out.....It went on, and on, and on....it was great!!! Of course, Jack won...he would let go and grab closer and closer shortening the length of the sock between them until they were nose to nose....that made Mockey a little uneasy and he let go.......but.....Jack was out of breath and breathing hard, Mockey was just a little, should we say PUMPED!!!! Whohoo...... Well....life never ceases to amaze me and neither do these dogs!!!....Mockey is now looking grumpy and Jack is currently looking around to find something or someone to torment...UGH!!!