Monday, April 27, 2009

Update with the dogs..........

Well.....after this much time, you might think things should be stable at the Schroeder house with...da da da daaaa "The Dogs".....some days it's ok, and some days it's just not...let's just say, more not than ok right now....that little Jack will look at you with those 'puppy dog eyes' and lay on the back of the couch just as peaceful and nice as can be one minute.....then "WHAM!" Holy Cow!...something, whatever it may be, got in his 'craw' and he jumps across the room like he is 'Super Doggy' running here and there...biting this and that (often the 'that' are our fingers and toes') Who...or I should say, WHAT IS THIS DOG!!!! He is POSSESSED!!! Kristi, Kati and I started playing a new game with him....we play Keep Away with a tennis, rather we play "HOT POTATO" with the tennis don't want the ball and throw it as fast as you can to the other person before "JACK...THE POSSESSED ANIMAL" gets the ball, or rather gets you instead of the ball! Let's just say, this game gets a little intense and if anyone wants to join us, anytime for some Extreme Hot are more than welcome to join!!! Oh, another thing, you know how little boy dogs lift their leg and you know, pee......welllll this little boy dog squats like a girl dog to on occasion when he feels the need to pee on the carpet (NEW CARPET mind you which he has done twice) we don't even get fair warning with the lifted leg thing....AUGH!!!! Why can't he be a normal male dog species.....must be his feminine side coming out! HA HA HA...(not funny!) Mockey...this is another subject....our sweet, docile, well behaved 17yr old little Shelty Mix has since made some changes of his own!!! (shoot) He now tries to get Jack into trouble...ya know, barks before Jack even does anything so that we will yell at Jack to Leave Mockey alone....oh brother tsk tsk, Jack was in the living room by the chair...Mockey was in the kitchen by their food looking at him snarling and letting out a bark here and there...CRAZY!!! What shall we do????? Right now, the two of them are just fine, sitting on the deck minding their own business.....thinking up something to do to make me crazy.......stay tuned to......da da da daaaaa "The Young and the Restless Canines!!"

(hahahaha...did you notice, I even split the dogs up in this post....perfect!! Don't they look like two good little doggies............AUGH!!! I'll be ok...)


The Fullmer's said...

Cute dogs:) I love the Beauty and the Beast Pics. You did a great job on the costumes. I wish I could has seen it, I'm sue it was awesome

Sarah Lee said...

I used to love our animals, but then I had kids and it was just one mre thing to take care of. Our cat is almost 10 years old and i'm just waiting for the day she kicks the bucket. Aweful I know. I still really like animals, I just don't want them.