Saturday, September 7, 2013

WOW!!!! Slacker!!! Yup that's me!

I really have to's almost been a year since I posted, and I used to be so diligent at it......I will not make any promises, but I will try to do better since this is my only form of journaling (is that even a word?). Life has been great/busy/sad at times/fulfilling/and adventurous during this last year......first off I LOVE our new house and neighborhood!  I feel at home, something I didn't feel for a long time where we lived for 26yrs in West Valley....when I drive to and from running errands I just know/feel like we are now where we should be......that doesn't mean I don't miss West Valley because I do...we made 26yrs of great memories and wonderful friends, I just didn't realize that when you turn yourself over to the Lord to direct and guide your paths, you know and feel the peace of being and doing those thing you need to be doing.  We have a huge grassy park area East of us.....Gary and I frequently walk the dogs down and around....such a peaceful experience walking through the neighborhood....acknowledging neighbors doing yard work then joining others walking their dogs around the park area (it's a mile around) I just love it....we have made some really good new friends and are keeping busy with callings in our Ward....Primary President & High Priest group assistant.....all in all it's really been a positive move.  I have LOVED having Rob home.....he keeps himself busy as does each of the girls with work and school.....Staci has been so evolved with Max's school and is now President elect for PTA next year....not surprising, she likes to keep busy....I am always in awe  and impressed with how amazing our kids (including Trevor & Max) are....that's not to say that they each haven't had/been through/or currently are going through their own set of challenges, but they do so with dignity/determination/and will they need to move forward in their lives......they are definitely my idols and I love and learn from them every day.  My mom is also doing amazingly good....she is a bit of a hermit sometimes and it has in the past concerned me, but we do get her out quite a bit with family things.....we actually take her on most of our vacations (which prove to be really hard for us but she has no other family support system right now and she needs us).   She's doing really good especially for being 85yrs is challenging, but we are
happy to have her in our try and give her a family and happiness she deserves during her 
final years with us however long that may is our privilege.....during all this time I have experienced and have had a growing enlightening experience with my older brother and his I don't like, but something I think I am learning from every day.....apparently I have offended someone in his family a couple of years ago....the funny thing is, nobody will tell me who or 
what I did to's this big "secret" within their family, that I'm sure in like a snowball, it is growing with time... It is poison to our families......At this point we are ok......some people can be so unchristlike and unforgiving ......l have tried throughout our lives to be supportive to all of them.....what I'm learning is that forgiveness is a powerful thing.....some people need to have that conflict in their lives to feel secure/powerful and can't see past situations so they can move forward.....I can't and won't let this happen to my  family... though I wish them all well...our lives are secure and happy without them...I know that sounds sad, but that is how they want it so we are good with that as well, it was their choice....the Gospel is our foundation and our family is's to many more years of loving and growing experiences in the Schroeder Family.....where CRAZY is our middle name and the LOVE for life is around every corner!!

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