Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Max is here.....

I just love the days we get with Max. Trevor and Staci are taking a little vacation for a couple days during Trevor's spring Max gets to stay at our house...we just love our little sleep overs....

Max has a mouth full of mini M&M's...and of course, wants to show us!!!

We just got ready and are on our way to Costco.....Max loves to go to Costco and I needed to get a few things.....

We ended our little outing with a stop at Wendy's for chicken nuggets!! Woot Woot...we're just having a great time! Luv ya Max!!!


The Reimers Family said...

It is so sweet to see how much you adore that little man. He is so blessed to have such a loving family like yours.

Anonymous said...

You are such the cutest grandma! I love your family so much and I am so excited to be able to keep in touch! (Will you e-mail me your e-mail address, I am making my blog private, and I want to send you an invite!