Monday, August 4, 2008

Mr Max's Birthday Party

We had so much fun with Max at his party...
he still had to wear his superman costume..
funny thing is, he got another one from Pa Breon
and Grandma well
as a Superman pillow and other
Spiderman cars, Spiderman socks, Superman
cartoon DVD, Superman baseball cap, hulk face....
.do you see a theme here? He also
got an M&M shirt and backpack for the
train ride to Salt Lake from the M&M
store in Vegas..... weird but fun centipede,
money (of course), bike helmet,
coloring books, truck thing, and lots of cloths
that he really wasn't interested in at all.....
mom was was really fun....we
actually decorated with the Thomas
the Engine theme...cake included...he has
always wanted the Thomas cake
until just recently, and of course, changed
his mind to Superman....too late Max,
Thomas was just fine.....he just had a great
time with his family and friends...

Luv Ya Big Guy!!! Happy Birthday!!!

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