Friday, October 10, 2008

Kids say the darndest things.........'..............

Ok, this is a grandma moment....we are watching our little Max tonight so Staci and Trevor can have a well deserved date night. We have more fun with this 3yr old. I have to say, it's a lot easier when it's your grandson...anyway, we went to Walmart to get some "goodies" actually dinner supplies, strawberry milk (yuck) and a bag of m m's...(m & m's)...while I cooked dinner, Pa (Max call's Gary Pa and me grandma U...for grandma Lu)anyway, they were drawing with chalk on the sidewalk out front, just the two boys. Now, to preface this, Trevor and Staci really spend a lot of time with Max teaching him letters, sounds and numbers. He is funny, he will see a billboard and start reading off the letters of the words on the board...he is pretty amazing (of course I am grandma)...Anyway, when they were out front with the chalk, Gary wrote his name on the sidewalk....Max walked over and started reading
G A R Y......that spells PA!! He was so happy with himself and Pa got a good chuckle. Got the letters down anyway.....................well, it's Max time! He just found a wistle...yes you can just imagine!!! (where's the m & m's!!) I think we are going to take him to the Halloween decorated house tonight that the Hardings talked about.....what fun!!

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